I know this may not seem to make sense to someone who typed 'bipolar' in the search description to see something deemed religious, but without the guidance and leading of the Spirit my ups and downs become much more of a struggle. Bipolar disorder is neurological, but it is amazing how our entire mental health relies on a foundation of emotional and spiritual health. It is almost as our government is set up to check and balance one another. Each component has a special role to fulfill. When one is lacking, they all tend to suffer. We are beings that were created to worship. You may not bow to a statue in your home, but that television or sport may take president in your life.
I am in an amazing relationship, but I still shake my head in disbelief as to how one person can love me through the manic and depressive phases that I cycle through. I often want to give up and give in because it is almost too good to be true and I wonder how could I ever deserve such love. I wonder if I give enough back. I am scared out of my mind that he will about face and get the hell out of Dodge. Nonetheless, this man stays and says that I am worth it. I give love without condition, but receiving it is such a task for me.
Our minds are amazing super computers, constantly adapting and creating new pathways. It is no wonder why people who suffered some form of trauma as a child suffers from bipolar. It has the power to heal itself. I need to reboot from time to time and let people love me. It is time to regain the confidence that I am a strong, beautiful woman. It is time to let God and let go.
My hope is that this even touches one person. May you have the strength to travel the road of healing in your own life. May you be blessed. I may as well do some work while i am up at this lovely early morning hour.
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