Since I was a young girl, I have struggled with weight fluctuation. I remember being told at 7 yrs of age that I needed to go on a diet. I was stocky not fat. Nonetheless, no 7 year old should be told those heinous words. Today I am a curvy 5ft. woman. I have come to realize that I have a desirable body shape. I am okay with that, but I don't want my body to be for anyone else but myself. I am a single mother of two, and getting healthy has nothing to do with getting a 'man'. For once in my life, I am completely okay with standing on my own two feet. It used to scare the hell out of me. That is probably a contributing factor to my rushed marriages. Now I am ready to put my big girl shoes on. These just happen to be tennis shoes. I am ready to run the race and leave nothing on the road, so to speak.
In this new 'race' I am now solely responsible for mine and my kiddo's physical, mental, and spiritual health. We eat well balanced meals. I send them to school with fruit and a good protein rather than leaving their nutrition up to someone who has no stock in their lives. I prepare them to deal with different personalities, we talk about mental illness, help them to better problem solve in daily frustrations, and stand as support. I address their spiritual needs by attending a healthy place of worship. We were created to worship. We all worship something. (other people, t.v., music, self...) I don't thump my kids over the head with a bible or push it down their throats. We live out a life of biblical principal. They see me make mistakes, but I am never above apologizing.
I want to be the best mother, daughter, and friend that I can be. I know that there are benefits to getting back into the gym. If the tennis shoe fits, Princess, get your bubble butt in the gym.
Benefits of Exercise for my diagnosed mind:
1. Lift in Serotonin Levels
Serotonin is also known as the 'Happy Hormone'. Research has shown that this hormone to have an effect on stabilizing moods. I don't know the medical details, but I do know that when I got home from the gym I had energy. I was in a better mood to joke around with my kids. My mind was even less foggy. There has to be a correlation. If you think that I am full of it, then I dare you to test it for yourself.2. Strength Training
Women often say that they just want to 'tone' up, so they over do the cardio. There is new research that shows that combining bursts of cardio with weight training is better for our bodies. Weights are not just for the men, Ladies. Don't be afraid. Start small and build up. You will be pleasantly surprised how well you begin to look and feel. I have lost shape in my arms. I am ready to get my sweat on.3. Positive Body Image
I am now a size 8 in pants and a M/L shirt. I am not disgusted with my body, but I have lost lots of muscle tone. There are many things that I would love to change, but I have no desire to be a size 2 in pants. I know that being 5ft (4ft 11in 3/4), I should be smaller based on societies standards, but I have had to learn to love myself. I buy clothes that fit. If i feel they are getting snug, I know that I have a little bit of work to do. I want to be a weight that I can easily manage. I don't live to eat, but I do like good food. Have manageable goals. Get yourself cute workout clothes. Be careful not to get them too tight. I love my compression clothing. Just know that you can do what you set your mind to.
4. You tend to make Healthier Choices.
Personally this means more than just proper food choices. When my mood is more stabilized, then I tend to treat my body as a temple. I respect it. I keep better company. I make an effort to watch and listen to things with a more positive message. I focus less on my past mistakes. Pursue my dreams. I want to keep my body in shape to keep up with my energetic kids. I take supplements that encourage removal of toxins in the body and help with inflammation. I want to live a long, happy, healthy life.There is so much research that one could seriously get confused. Some medical articles say that if a person suffers with hypothyroidism, then exercise is not good. Some things that I come across just leave me scratching my head and more confused than before. It can all become as clear as mud.Do what works for you. Consult a physician. Take proper medications. Get a friend to help you on your journey. We all need accountability. Whatever you do, Do SOMETHING!
Contact me @: 2BorNot2BMental@gmail.com to #keeptheconversationgoing
OR Comment Below to add other Helpful Resources on Exercise and Mental Health...
Serotonin: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232248.phpstrength training: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/fat_loss_training_wars.htm
Supplements for Sufferers of Chronic Pain go to: www.plexussouthernbelles.com
*contact your physician before starting any new exercise or nutrition program*
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